Can you smell the sweetness of Christmas Cookies in the bake shop? It can't get better than baking in the cookie shop WITH Santa.
Come experience the joy of decorating cookies with Santa at Amelia's Desserts (the absolutely, cutest bake shop ever). 2 different Photo Session options available.
A. Enjoy a fun afternoon of cookie decorating. A Group Option with 6 spots for each class. Class taught by a phenomenal cookie decorator - Amelia's Desserts. Adorable Candid Images as Santa walks around interacting with each child. Packages starting at $100 per seat
B. Get ready for the cutest Christmas Card Portraits. Enjoy decorating cookies with Santa as a one on one experience for your child or family. Posed/action styled images. 15 minute time slot with Santa. Packages starting at $150
Book your session now! These will sell out fast!