I met Danielle through a model call. I'm always studying and researching trying to better my craft. I take online courses, attend workshops, go to conferences, etc. After taking a recent lighting course, I was dying to try out all of the fabulous things I've learned. Danielle was kind enough to let me photograph her sweet baby bump.
Two of the different lighting techniques I learned in the class were called "Dream lighting" and "Rim lighting." We had time to practice both.
Dream lighting is exactly as it sounds. It gives a dreamy, clean feel to the pictures (almost heavenly). I loved the way these turned out.
Rim lighting is lighting just a small portion of the person or subject. It is a beautiful way of highlighting a significant portion of the image to make a powerful statement. I like that it can be very dramatic and emotional. We were able to incorporate a stuffed animal that had been passed down in Danielle's family. It added that much more life to the portrait.
To learn more about these lighting techniques visit the http://themilkyway.ca. This is an amazing source for photographers.
Also Danielle creates beautiful crocheted items. Visit her shop at https://www.facebook.com/offthehookbydanielle
Maternity sessions are best done in the 7th to early 8th month. Schedule your maternity session now. Contact us here or 757-630-0575 or http://Leah@JourneyThroughLifePhotography.com
This lil' man and his mama and daddy came to see me when he was just 10 days new. He was such a sweet little guy and did perfect for his first photo shoot. We started off the session by picking out hats, blankets, and baskets. There is no denying he is his mama's boy.
That full head of hair was just too adorable. It didn't matter what pose I put him in, he just was so content.
I have never had a baby stay awake for his entire newborn portrait session, but this little guy wanted to keep an eye on me the entire time. Every time I thought he was falling asleep, he would trick me and open his eyes right before I released the shutter. I caught a few shots of him with his eyes closed, but he was only fooling me. So cute!
Is this not the cutest little lion you've ever seen?
Of course, the last few images he decided to fall asleep. Pure sweetness!
Click here to book you newborn session today. Newborn sessions are best done in the first 6-10 days. Schedule your session during your 2nd trimester. 757-630-0575
What a treat it was to photograph this sweet 10 day old baby boy. His big "brother" Gunner greeted me at the door and stayed by my side through most of the session. I think he wanted to keep an eye on this strange lady who was photographing his little brother. Ethan was definitely used to having him around as he never startled when Gunner would bark. Me, on the other hand, jumped every time. :-)
We started our session with some family photos by the window. Gunner did a great job striking a pose for the camera. Ethan took a small break to fill his belly and then we continued with some more snuggle shots. Ethan was ready to snooze with his little belly full. A nice warm house and a full belly were a perfect combination for a peaceful newborn portrait session.
He snuggled right on in the bean bag like it was a big comfy recliner on a rainy day. I switched hats, posed hands, played with his feet without even a flinch from him. Gunner even snuck in a few snifs and kisses. He was out and let me pose him without any resistance. I love when babies are this relaxed. It makes for such peaceful photographs that will forever be treasured memories. Mama also got to enjoy her complimentary 60 minute massage that came with her newborn session.
Gunner doting on his little brother. So sweet...
Click here to schedule your newborn session. Newborn sessions are best done in the first 6-10 days. Sessions should be scheduled while you are still pregnant.
Normally newborn sessions are done within the first 6-10 days, but I got to meet this little man when he was 38 days old. He was the perfect little model for his "newborn" session. He slept like a chance which helped his mama enjoyed her complimentary massage during his session. Mama relaxed in the other room while he rocked it in the studio as daddy enjoyed watching his little man show off his awesome modeling skills.
We started our session picking out accessories such as hats and blankets. Since he was wide awake in the beginning we started with some sweet bonding pictures with mama and daddy. There is something sweet about capturing these special moments with a new little family. They sure are a beautiful family.
After striking a pose in front of the camera as a family, it was time for little Christian to shine in the spotlight. He had a full belly and a clean diaper which was a perfect concoction for a sleepy baby. He made my job so easy and just confirmed how much I LOVE my job. He slept like a champ and let me pose him however I wanted. My expectations were blown out of the water as I never imagined he would do so well at this age. Now I can just sit back and ooh and ahh over his sweet pictures.
Hear what his parents had to say, "Leah did a fantastic job on our newborn, his pictures came out beautiful! I couldnt be happier! I would most definitely reccommend her as the experience was wonderful."
- Heather
Click here to schedule your newborn session. It is best to schedule while still pregnant.
"The Wind of Heaven is that which blows between a Horse's Ears." -Arabian Proverb
There is something majestic about a horse. It's beauty can be breath taking and it's size can be scarey, but awe inspiring. It is even more beautiful when you see a person who has a true connection with these majestic creatures. It is a bond you don't see often, but one you will never forget.
This is my niece. She loves horses. She started riding probably around the age of 7 or 8. It has been so neat to watch her grow and even see how the relationship with these animals has shaped who she is. If you know her around horses you know she is gentle, yet tough. It seems as though it is effortless. It is sweet to watch.
She used to compete in jumping when she was little and I admired her for putting in the training to do her best. It took courage to take an animal of that size and trust it to do what you willed. Believe me I know. We went on a trail ride through the woods one time and I don't have much horse riding experience. Well, sure enough I had the horse that would get spooked if it couldn't see the horse in front of it. Add to that a saddle that wasn't quite as tight as it should have been and you have the makings for a comical ride (at least in hindsight). My horse took off and of course at that time the saddle decided to go sideways. We we are now picking up speed while I'm literally hanging on sideways tucking my head from hitting trees. Thankfully my nephew was behind me and was able to direct me back up by pulling on the horse's mane. I was really terrified and had a new perspective on life. :-) And yes, I did get back on a horse after that day.
Morgan has fallen off horses, even gotten bloody noses from runaway horses, but it never deterred her from getting back up. Such perserverance is hard to come by. I know she will do big things in her life if she applies that kind of diligence. I love my niece like crazy and her brother and sister. It makes me sad to think about how fast they've grown up and now having my own children it seems to go even faster. From the little girls (her and her sister) who used to hold on to me when it was time for me to leave and beg for me to stay the night to the women they've grown into. I know God has placed them in my life for a reason and I'm proud to be their aunt.
The horse that is closest to her heart is actually a little smaller; it is a pony. Ginger is a fireball and rules the barn. Although she is small, she is mighty and makes her presence known. When Morgan first got her she used to do a little flick on her and quietly say, "No Ginger." It was funny to watch, but today Ginger knows you don't mess with this girl just like the horses don't mess with Ginger. They share a special bond and I think deep down they both know they need each other.
"I have seen things so beautiful they have brought tears to my eyes. Yet none of them can match the gracefulness and beauty of a horse running free." -Source Unknown
If any of you know this family then you know they have lots of charisma. I don't think I've ever laughed this much at a session before. My cheeks hurts from smiling by the time I was done. I used to work with these 2 beautiful women when I was a teacher. It is funny I worked in the same building as them for almost 4 years and I felt like I got to know them so much better in the short 1 hour photo session. See how much you can accomplish in 1 hour! :-)
I'm usually pretty sarcastic, but they sure brought out the best sarcasm in me. It made for some great smiles.
This little man knew how to shine in front of the camera. I wanted to quote him because as we were leaving he asked his mom if we could do the whole session again! Those are things I love to hear.
Something about a little boy in a mama's heart. Melt...
Book your family session
757-630-0575 or Leah @JourneyThroughLifePhotography.com
My husband has known this couple since his childhood. He and Mike raced together from teenagers till now. Although kiddies and life sometimes get in the way of racing. It has been my pleasure to watch them grow. I had the chance to photograph their first baby almost 2 years ago. Now that little baby is about to be a big brother to a sweet little girl. I couldn't be more excited.
Big brother was so overjoyed with excitement that it was hard for him to keep still. Reminded me of my little guy who is soon to be turning 2 as well.
Mama just simply glowed. She is already an amazing mother and I know will do a fabulous job with this little princess.
Stay tuned to see the little princess herself in just a few short weeks...
Book your newborn and maternity session
Call 757-630-0575 or Contact us at Leah@JourneyThroughLifePhotography.com
When I taught at Norfolk Christian I taught this handesome guy's sister and was able to do her senior session a few years ago. I was so excited that his mom contacted me to do his senior portraits. His sister is gorgeous and full of life. Daniel is the handsome version. I told him he looks like he belongs in a paparazzi magazine because he could totally fit in as an english royal.
I wasn't kidding. He really looks prince worthy. We started off at east beach in Norfolk where I also had the chance to photograph his awesome family. That is for another post.
He just rocked every shot. I didn't have to do a lot of leading. He was a natural.
We finished our session at the Chesapeake Arboretum for a more country type feel. He couldn't have picked a better outfit to go with the scenery.
Coming soon: Fall Mini Sessions to support his family as his step-father is going through Lung Cancer. Stay tuned to see how you can help. Find more information here.
I met this family about a year ago at a fundraiser photo shoot. It was a great event held at the Thoroughgood house in Virginia Beach. The event was a huge success and helped raise funds for a mother and wife get the surgery she needed all the way in Germany. They had so much fun last year that they decided to have their family portraits taken again this year, but this time on the beach.
Little man was full of smiles and loving the new independence he has discovered since learning how to walk. He gave me a great workout and tested my agility skills. Bystanders even stopped to lend happy pups to keep him entertained. We had fun making all sorts of animal noises and goofy faces. The end result was well worth it.
Warning... An explosion of cuteness all packaged up in one little boy about to be displayed. I had the chance to photograph sweet little Carter as he turned the BIG 3. I think we may have a future J Crew model in our midst.
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He loves spiderman, but wasn't quite ready to show the world his awesome super powers and cool suit. He traded it in for a more sophisticated look with a little bit of casual cool.
I'm not sure who had more fun. We played hide and seek in the awesome "Fun Forest" playground at Chesapeake City Park. I couldn't ask for a better background as most of it is ornately carved wood.
He's a little character and a big sweetie. Did I mention he's about to be a big brother to a sweet baby girl? Pictures of her are soon to come. Be on the lookout!
Did you see what an awswome jumper this little guy is. My vertical height is pitiful, so he easily outshined me.